Weak Legacy 2 Heart Demon Arts Guide – Gamezebo‘ ), a. insertAdjacentHTML ( d, e) ), return document. getElementById ( b ) }, c. prototype. _repeatDynamicAds=function ( a ) {var b=]], d=this. _removeRecipeCapExperiment. result&amp, &amp,” Recipe” ===a. site? 99: this. place MaxLazySequence. get ( a. location ), e=a. stupid? u ( d, 0): 0, d=a. maximum, vary f=a. lazyMax, e=Math. max ( d, 0===e&amp, &amp, a. lazy? d+f: Mathematics. mini ( Math. potential (e-a. sequence+1, 0), d+f ) ), for ( f=0, f=d, b. push (y (y ( {}, a ), {sequence: g, lazy: h}) ) }return b}, c. prototype. _locationEnabled=function ( a ) document. figure. school List. contains ( “adthrive-disable-all” ), d=! report. system. group List. contains ( “adthrive-disable-content” ) &amp, &amp,! this. _clsOptions. disableAds. causes. has (” content_plugin” ), return a&amp, &amp,! b&amp, &amp, d, return c}( ), db=function ( c ) {function a ( b, d ) v ( a, c ), a. prototype. init=function ( ) {this. _initializePlayers ( ) }, a. prototype. _wrapJWPlayerWithCLS=function ( b, d, e ) {void 0===e&amp, &amp, ( e=0 ), return b. parent Node? ( d=this. _createGenericCLSWrapper… 5625*b. offsetWidth, d, e ), b. parent Node. insertBefore ( d, b ), d. appendChild ( b ), d ): null}, a. prototype. _createGenericCLSWrapper=function ( b, d, e ) {var f=document. createElement ( “div” ), f. id =” cls-video-container-“. concat ( d ), f. className=”adthrive”, f. style. minHeight =””. concat ( b+e, “px” ), return f}, a. prototype. _getTitle Height=function ( b ) {b. innerText=” Title”, b. style. visibility = “hidden”, document. figure. appendChild ( b ), var d=window. getComputedStyle ( b ), e=parseInt ( d. height, 10 ), f=parseInt ( d. marginTop, 10 ), d=parseInt ( d. marginBottom, 10 ), document. figure. removeChild ( b ), return Math. min ( e+d+f, 50 ) }, a. prototype. _initializePlayers=function ( ) {var b=document. querySelectorAll ( this. _IN_POST_SELECTOR ), b. length&amp, &amp, this. _initializeRelatedPlayers ( b ), this. _shouldRunAutoplayPlayers ( ) &amp, &amp, this. _determineAutoplayPlayers ( ) }, a. prototype. _createStationary RelatedPlayer=function ( b, d, e ) {var f=”mobile” ===this. _device? ]400, 225] :]640, 360], g=G. Video_ In_Post_ClicktoPlay_SoundOn, d&amp, &amp, b. mediaOrPlaylistId&amp, &amp, ( e=””. concat ( b. mediaOrPlaylistId,” _” ). concat ( e ), d=this. _wrapJWPlayerWithCLS ( d, e ), this. _playersAdded FromPlugin. push ( b. mediaOrPlaylistId ), d&amp, &amp, this. _clsOptions. setInjectedVideoSlots ( {playerId: b. playerId, playerName: g, playerSize: f, element: d, type:” stationary Related” }) ) }, a. prototype. _createStickyRelatedPlayer=function ( b, d ) {var e=”mobile” ===this. _device? ]400, 225] :]640, 360], f=G. Video_ Individual_Autoplay_SOff, this. _stickyRelatedOnPage=! 0, this. _videoConfig. mobileStickyPlayerOnPage =”mobile” ===this. _device, if ( d&amp, &amp, b. position&amp, &amp, b. mediaId ) {var g=document. createElement ( “div” ), d. insertAdjacentElement ( b. position, g ), d=document. createElement ( “h3″ ), d. style. margin =”10px 0″, d=this. _getTitle Height ( d ), d=this. _wrapJWPlayerWithCLS ( g, b. mediaId, this. _WRAPPER_BAR_HEIGHT+d ), this. _playersAdded FromPlugin. push ( b. mediaId ), d&amp, &amp, this. _clsOptions. setInjectedVideoSlots ( {playlistId: b. playlistId, playerId: b. playerId, playerSize: e, playerName: f, element: g, type:” stickyRelated” }) }}, a. prototype. _createPlaylistPlayer=function ( b, d ) {var e=b. playlistId, f=”mobile” ===this. _device? G. Video_Coll_SOff_Smartphone: G. Video_Collapse_Autoplay_SoundOff, g =”mobile” ===this. _device? ]400, 225] :]640, 360], this. _videoConfig. mobileStickyPlayerOnPage=! 0, variant h=document. createElement ( “div” ), d. insertAdjacentElement ( b. position, h ), d=this. _wrapJWPlayerWithCLS ( h, e, this. _WRAPPER_BAR_HEIGHT), this. _playersAdded FromPlugin. push ( “playlist-“. concat ( e ) ), d&amp, &amp, this. _clsOptions. setInjectedVideoSlots ( {playlistId: b. playlistId, playerId: b. playerId, playerSize: g, playerName: f, element: h, type:” stickyPlaylist” }) }, a. prototype. _isVideoAllowedOnPage=function ( ) {var b=this. _clsOptions. disableAds, if ( b&amp, &amp, b. video ) return this. _clsOptions. videoDisabled FromPlugin?! 1:! 0}, return a}( function ( c ) {function a ( b, d ) v ( a, c ), a. prototype. setPotentialPlayers Map=function ( ) {var b=this. _videoConfig. players || ]], d=this. _filterPlayerMap ( ), b=b. filter ( function ( e ) {return “stationary Related” ===e. type&amp, &amp, e. enabled }), d. stationary Related=b, return this. _potentialPlayerMap=d}, a. design. _filterPlayerMap=function ( ) {var b=this, d=this. _videoConfig. players, e={stickyRelated :]], stickyPlaylist :]], stationary Related :]] }, return d&amp, &amp, d. length? d. filter ( function ( f ) ). reduce ( function ( f, g ) ( q. event ( b. _component,” constructor”,” Unknown Video Player Type detected”, g. type ), f]g. type ] = ] ] ), g. enabled&amp, &amp, f]g. type]. push ( g ), return f, e ): e}, a. prototype. _checkPlayerSelectorOnPage=function ( b ) {var d=this, b=this. _potentialPlayerMap]b]. map ( function ( e ) {return{player: e, player Element: d. _getPlacementElement ( e ) }}), return b. length? b]0]: {player: void, participant Element: null}}, a. design. _getOverrideElement=function ( b, d, e ) {b&amp, &amp, d? ( e=document. createElement ( “div” ), d. insertAdjacentElement ( b. position, e) ): ( d=this. _checkPlayerSelectorOnPage ( “stickyPlaylist” ), b=d. person, d=d. player Element, b&amp, &amp, d&amp, &amp, ( e=document. createElement ( “div” ), d. insertAdjacentElement ( b. position, e) ) ), return e}, a. prototype. _shouldOverrideElement=function ( b ) , a. design. _checkPageSelector=function ( b, d, e ) {void 0===e&amp, &amp, ( e= ] ] ), return b&amp, &amp, d&amp, &amp, 0===e. duration? (” /”! ==window. site. pathname&amp, &amp, q. event ( “VideoUtils”, “getPlacementElement”, Error ( “PSNF :”.concat ( b, “does not exist on the page” ) ) ),! 1 ):! 0}, a. design. _getElementSelector=function ( b, d, e ) {if ( d&amp, &amp, d. length&gt, e ) return d]e], q. event ( “VideoUtils”, “getPlacementElement”, Error ( “ESNF :”.concat ( b, “does not exist on the page” ) ) ), return null}, a. prototype. _getPlacementElement=function ( b ) null: null: ( q. error ( “VideoUtils”, “getPlacementElement”, Error (“”. concat (e, “is not a valid selector” ) ), k ), null ): ( q. error ( “VideoUtils”, “getPlacementElement”, Error (“”. concat ( d, “is not a valid selector” ) ), f ), null ) , a. prototype. _getEmbeddedPlayerType=function ( b ) ( b=this. _videoConfig. relatedSettings? this. _videoConfig. relatedSettings. defaultPlayerType:” static” ), this. _stickyRelatedOnPage&amp, &amp, ( b =”static” ), return b, a. prototype. _getMediaId=function ( b ) {return ( b=b. getAttribute ( “data-video-id” ) )? ( this. _relatedMediaIds. push ( b ), b):! 1}, a. design. _createRelatedPlayer=function ( b, d, e, f ) {” collapse” ===d? this. _createCollapsePlayer ( b, e ):” static” ===d&amp, &amp, this. _createStaticPlayer ( b, e, f ) }, a. prototype. _createCollapsePlayer=function ( b, d ) {var e=this. _checkPlayerSelectorOnPage ( “stickyRelated” ), f=e. person, e=e. player Element, vary g=f? f: this. _potentialPlayerMap. stationary Related]0], g&amp, &amp, g. playerId? ( this. _shouldOverrideElement ( d ) &amp, &amp, ( d=this. _getOverrideElement ( f, e, d) ), d=document. querySelector ( “#cls-video-container-“. concat ( b, “&gt, div” ) ) ||d, this. _createStickyRelatedPlayer (y (y ( {}, g ), {mediaId: b}), d) ): q. error ( this. _component, “_createCollapsePlayer”,” No video player found” ) }, a. prototype. _createStaticPlayer=function ( b, d, e ) {this. _potentialPlayerMap. fixed Related. length&amp, &amp, this. _potentialPlayerMap. stationary Related]0]. playerId? this. _createStationary RelatedPlayer (y (y ( {}, this. _potentialPlayerMap. stationary Related]0] ), {mediaOrPlaylistId: b}), d, e ): q. error ( this. _component, “_createStaticPlayer”,” No video player found” ) }, a. prototype. _shouldRunAutoplayPlayers=function ( ) , a. design. _determineAutoplayPlayers=function ( ) {var b=this. _component, d=” VideoManagerComponent” ===b, e=this. _config, if ( this. _stickyRelatedOnPage ) q. event ( b,” stickyRelatedOnPage”, d&amp, &amp, {device: e&amp, &amp, e. context. system, isDesktop: this. _device }| |{ }), else{var f=this. _checkPlayerSelectorOnPage ( “stickyPlaylist” ), g=f. person, f=f. person Element, g&amp, &amp, g. playerId&amp, &amp, g. playlistId&amp, &amp, f? this. _createPlaylistPlayer ( g, f ): q. event ( b, “noStickyPlaylist”, d&amp, &amp, {vendor: “none”, device: e&amp, &amp, e. context. machine, isDesktop: this. _device }| |{ }) }}, a. prototype. _initializeRelatedPlayers=function ( b ) {for (var d=new Map, e=0, e